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Celebrate Memorial Day in and around DFW

2016 Memorial Day parade and events in Dallas TX

Holidays are a dime a dozen, but many of them have special significance. Memorial Day often translates as a Monday off of work, but it’s most importantly a day to honor those who have sacrificed their lives serving our country. Dallas, Texas is a beautiful place to celebrate Memorial Day 2016, as there is an annual parade of marchers and a variety of events. If you’re curious to learn more about what you and yours can do to commemorate, read on! We have the details on some of the area’s most popular activities!

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Dallas Symphony Memorial Day Concert
Carry The Load Memorial Day Walk
Cruisin' Granbury Memorial Day Festival
Dallas Symphony Memorial Day Concert

Every year, Dallas’s symphony puts on a concert to honor the men and women who have bravely served. This year, the symphony will cover music from as early as Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture to Morricone’s music from The Mission. The concert is free to attend, and will be in collaboration with Carry The Load (details to the right) and Klyde Warren Park. Fireworks are expected to follow. Click the image above for further details.

Carry The Load Dallas Memorial March

Those looking for a different way to celebrate Memorial Day are invited to join the 2016 Carry The Load parade/march. This year’s march will be 20 hours and 16 minutes, but participants can choose how long they’ll walk and whether or not to carry a weighted backpack. The opening ceremony will take place on Sunday, May 29, 2016 at 3:30 p.m. For further details about the walk, or about camping at the event, click the image above.

Cruisin’ Granbury Memorial Day Festival

If you don’t mind traveling to History Square in Granbury, Texas, then you’re in for a treat! The Historic Granbury Merchants Association will be hosting a 50s-themed festival, filled with dancing, vendors, an Elvis tribute and more! Parents are encouraged to bring their children for an array of fun activities, like bumper cars, bungee jumping, a petting zoo and more! For more information, visit the event page by clicking the image above!

Happy Memorial Day from your friends at Autos of Dallas!