2019 Land Rover Defender U.S. release date

Will Land Rover release the new Defender to the U.S?

2019 Land Rover Defender U.S. release date

At Autos of Dallas, we love our Land Rovers. So, we try to stay up-to-date with the biggest news from the esteemed brand. We know that the Land Rover Defender hasn’t been sold in the United States for quite some time now (since 1997, that is), but the buzz is that that’s about to change. Hailed as one of the world’s most iconic vehicles, the Defender should be revealed across the pond just in time for its 70th Anniversary. While rumors have been spread about a 2016 release of the new Defender, the latest whisperings are that we’ll be seeing a 2019 Land Rover Defender U.S. release date. So, those of you who have followed the Defender can get excited, because we have heard a bit more on this topic. Read the rest of this entry >>

Mercedes-Benz COMAND voice control system

How to use Mercedes-Benz audio voice control (with list of commands)

Mercedes-Benz COMAND voice control system

If you’re driving a new or used Mercedes-Benz SL-Class, G-Class, GL-Class or many other classes of Mercedes, you’ve probably noticed that you have the capability to activate several of your car’s features by using a voice control system called COMAND. While this system is useful for when you need to focus on the road, you may have experienced a bit of frustration while trying to use it. Here, we hope to shed a little bit of light on how to use Mercedes-Benz COMAND voice control system (for models listed above that have been manufactured between 2012 and 2015). Read the rest of this entry >>

2016 Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupe color options

The new Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupe offers great new feature options

2016 Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupe color options

We love Mercedes-Benz, so we love to stay up-to-date on the recent models and releases we find out about. Right now, it’s all about the 2016 GLE Coupe. We saw Mercedes-Benz’ new, fancy coupe in the 2015 blockbuster Jurassic World, and we’ve continued to hear rumors about its new features and options. If you’ve been following the news on the 2016 GLE Coupe, you’ve probably noticed that Mercedes-Benz is remaining pretty close-lipped about the details. Of course, there have been a few features announced, as well as whisperings and hints about the 2016 Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupe color options. So, if you’ve been waiting in anticipation to learn more about this car, look no further. Read the rest of this entry >>

2017 BMW 5 Series release date and price

Unwrapping BMW’s birthday gift: the 2017 BMW 5 Series

2017 BMW 5 Series release date and price

In spring of 2016, one of our favorite German automakers will turn 100. To commemorate its 100th year, BMW will be releasing a slew of new vehicles to the market. One of the most exciting vehicles we’ve gotten wind of is the new 5 Series (currently called the G30), set to be released around the time of the big birthday! If you’ve been curious about what BMW has up its sleeve in regard to the new 5 Series, we have a bit of information on the 2017 BMW 5 Series release date and price, as well as a few details on its features. So far (according to little birdies), we know the new model should have a significantly redesigned interior, most visible in the dashboard region. A new iDrive system with gesture-based technology is also a prospective feature, as well as a self-park system. The vehicle is currently in testing, which means a spring 2016 release is entirely probable. The price of the new model has yet to be released, but the estimate is around $50,000 (for the base model). Read the rest of this entry >>

2016 Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupe release date and price

Mercedes’ GLE Coupe is on its way!

2016 Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupe release date and price

At Autos of Dallas, we like to keep up with news from our favorite luxury brands, and Mercedes-Benz has continuously given the auto-world things to be excited about. While there is plenty of hype being built up for the brand’s 2016 models, there is one that has stood out as the most anticipated model: the GLE Coupe. The GLE Coupe was featured in this year’s blockbuster “Jurassic World,” further exposing its aesthetically-pleasing aspects. If you’re one of the people who has been waiting for the Coupe to hit the market, we have some exciting information for you. The 2016 Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupe release date and price has been made known, and it’s just around the corner! Read the rest of this entry >>

new National Lampoon Infiniti commercial

Infiniti’s new ad campaign goes on vacation

New National Lampoon Infiniti commercial

If there’s any movie that became a popular family flick in the 80s, it’s “National Lampoon’s Vacation.” Recently, Infiniti released its new, family-sized model the Infiniti QX60, and the advertisement for it threw back to the ever-popular National Lampoon film. If you’ve been curious about the new National Lampoon Infiniti commercial, we have it for your viewing pleasure below, along with details on the Infiniti vehicles on our lot. Read the rest of this entry >>

2014 Mercedes-Benz E-Class vs. BMW 5 Series

Mercedes-Benz takes on BMW

2014 Mercedes-Benz E-Class vs. BMW 5 Series

Because our main focus is luxury here at Autos of Dallas, it’s exciting for us to compare some of the amazing features that are incorporated into today’s most successful brands. Since competition is growing throughout the luxury segment, we’ve put two of Germany’s biggest, baddest automakers head-to-head in hopes to decipher which will come out on top! So, if you want to find out who wins our battle when we put the 2014 Mercedes-Benz E-Class vs. BMW 5 Series, look no further! Read the rest of this entry >>

difference between a V6 and V8 engine

The V6 and the V8 engine: know the major difference

Difference between a V6 and V8 engine

There are many things that can be deemed confusing in the wonderful world of cars. With all the new technology, efficiency ratings, engine options and more, it can be difficult for anyone who isn’t a car buff to understand which options are the best fit. Luckily, at Autos of Dallas, we make it our business to know the details, so that we can easily pass them along to you. If you’re shopping in the luxury segment, you’ve probably noticed that everything is a step above your average, everyday vehicle. This includes the engine. There are several different types of engines available within the luxury realm, but there are two that you’ve probably (at least) heard of: the V6 and the V8. In order to determine which engine will fit what you’re looking for we’ve compared the difference between a V6 and V8 engine in hopes that it will help you find what you’re looking for. Read the rest of this entry >>